I am a Women's Health + Happiness Specialist... But what does that mean?
If you read my previous blog, you will have seen that I have decided to no longer call myself a 'Personal Trainer'. While I still do personal training as a service in my business, my main focus in everything that I do, as part of Thousand Reasons, is to help women find their own version of health and happiness. Yes, health is important, but never at the expense of your happiness. So, it is my job to help you find what that is for you. Both physically and mentally. Personal Training covers the physical side, and Health + Happiness coaching covers the mental side.
Below are some frequently asked questions about my new service and how it can help you reach your version of health and happiness!
What is it?
Women's Health + Happiness coaching is all about helping you reach your own version of health and happiness.
If you don't know what coaching is, I like to describe it as a combination of mentoring and counselling - with a difference!
The similarity between coaching and counselling is that we work with your mind. We work with the thoughts that go on in your head, the stories that you tell yourself, and the language you use to talk about yourself, others and life in general.
The similarity between coaching and mentoring is that I help you get from where you are now, to where you want to be, helping you along the way with my knowledge and experience.
The difference between coaching and mentoring/counselling is that coaching focuses on solutions rather than problems. I help you come to your own conclusions on what is right for you rather than telling you what to do. Although I do educate you on the relevant exciting things that I have learnt over the years, it's my job to help you find your own path, rather than tell you how to take the path that others have taken.
Coaching is as much about accountability as it is about growth. My job is to push you *just* enough so that you do more than you thought you could, but not so much that you tell yourself you can't. And I hold you accountable for doing the things you need to do to reach your goals and get the results you want.
It's a very different process for everyone. Some people need more knowledge so they can understand the right moves for them and get them done, where others will need to get out of their heads and out of their own way so that they can do what they already 'know they should'. There is no right or wrong when it comes to the process you need to go through to get to where you're going!
How does it work?
Coaching is delivered in many different formats including online programs, small group coaching, one-to-one coaching and all-inclusive packages. Your goals, availability and budget are factors that will help determine the best option for you.
In general, the goal of coaching is to help you take the actions you need to take, to get the results you want to achieve. In a one-to-one setting, I start by asking you a lot of questions to get to the deep/real problem, and from there, you determine what you really want. I use a combination of tools and techniques as well as setting you some tasks to help you overcome obstacles and work towards reaching your goals.
The process is different for everyone and is tailored to your goals and current situation, but the focus is always on finding solutions and aiming for what you want to achieve.
It is important to note that my job is not to do it for you, it's to help you do it for yourself. Your results will always depend on the actions you take, and how open you are to learning and growing, even if it means doing something you've never done before, or thinking in a way you've never thought before.
How much time and energy do I need to invest?
This will depend on how much time and energy you have to give, and how much of a priority reaching your goal or outcome is to you.
As with many things, the more energy you put into your coaching, the more you'll get out of it. That's not to say you won't get anything out of it if you only have a little time, which is why there are a few options available.
One-to-one coaching is generally the most time-involved, with group coaching being more self-motivated, and online being more education-based. This will of course depend on the theme of the program you choose, and the goals you are working towards.
If you'd like some help deciding which option is best for you, just contact me and we can have a chat!
Is it for me?
As with most things, my style of coaching is not for everyone, and it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Coaching is not a done-for-you service, it's a service based on empowering you to learn and grow and overcome barriers so that you can easily do it for yourself. If you are ready to take responsibility for yourself and your life, coaching may be for you. It's always good to have a chat with me before you decide if I'm the right coach for you, and you're the right client for me.
What kind of results can I expect?
Results will vary for everyone, and the old adage 'you get out what you put in' remains true. My goal as a coach is to get you to a stage where you feel more confident and capable of taking on future challenges. You will understand yourself better, and be clearer on your boundaries and motivators. And you will feel more comfortable in your own skin (and mind!).
What results have your previous clients had?
Here are a few insights from some of my most recent clients:
"Coaching has helped me to focus and decide what I want. I am now fitter and healthier and have a good group of supportive friends" ~Ren
"Before coaching, I didn't feel very confident in myself, or comfortable sharing my opinions with others. Now I feel like I can take up space in a room, and I'm confident in my abilities and my judgement" ~Georgia
"Even though we haven't completed our coaching program yet, I already feel confident enough to enforce my boundaries with the people in my life that I would normally have let walk over me. I now feel like I can speak up and tell them what I need instead of not saying anything and getting angry later." ~Sonja
How much does it cost?
Prices vary depending on what service you choose, but there are options to suit most budgets. To see what programs are available and their costs, please visit the 'Coaching' page, or contact me to have a chat about which option would suit your needs.
'I bet you haven't coached anyone with as many problems as me, are you up for the challenge?!'
It always amuses me that almost all of my clients have said this to me in one form or another!
My firm belief is that there is nothing wrong with you and you don't need fixing, and there is no problem that is not overcomeable as long as you're open to doing what it takes to find the solution. If you are coachable (open to learning, growing and thinking differently, willing to reflect and challenge your thoughts and beliefs, and willing to take action, even if it's hard or scary) and willing to let go of your problem, you'll be amazed at what we can achieve together.
If I believe there are challenges that are out of my scope of practice, or I think that someone else would be better suited to help you with a specific problem, I will let you know as soon as possible, and help you find the right person/service for you.
Need to know more?
If you still have more questions or have any questions specific to your circumstances, please contact me and we can discuss them together.
Call 0437 884 403, email mel@thousandreasons.com.au or contact me through Facebook or Instagram messenger.
