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The Celebrity Effect: How Meeting Samuel Johnson Inspired Me to (Finally!) Launch My Online Program.

Writer's picture: Mel KenworthyMel Kenworthy

Updated: Sep 11, 2023

Have you ever wanted to start something then put it off for, I dunno, over a year? Well, me too! And I recently saw the sign (in celebrity form) that kicked me up the proverbial butt to stop procrastinating and JUST DO IT!!

I’ve had my online health + happiness program 'The Happy Body Collective' almost ready to go for over a year now, but up until a few weeks ago, I had talked myself out of pulling the trigger to launch.

The short version of the story is this:

  • I met Aussie actor Samuel Johnson (think ‘Secret life of us’ and ‘Molly’) at an event in my hometown of Mundaring.

  • He’s really cool.

  • He’s raising awareness and funds through his charity ‘Love Your Sister’ to make precision medicine available as a standard of care to anyone in Australia diagnosed with cancer no matter their age, location, income or status.

  • Sam’s 1000 is his next drive to accelerate the process to government action.

  • I’ve joined Sam’s 1000 and now I need more revenue to support the monthly donation.

  • It's the perfect reason for me to stop putting off this awesome online program I have.

  • I wanna offer you a special deal to get it started!

Wanna know more? Read on!

At the start of this financial year, I took on the role of Secretary of the Mundaring Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber organises lots of event's to support local businesses in the area, and a few weeks ago the MCC co-hosted an event with the Bendigo Bank in Mundaring where we were fortunate enough to have beloved Aussie actor, Samuel Johnson come and talk to us about ‘Putting the Heart Into Your Business’.

Me and Samuel Johnson

I’ve been a fan of his since the early 2000’s when he first starred in 'The Secret Life of Us', so I was pretty excited to see him talk in my very small home town!

He spoke about a car accident he was in a few years ago and the trials and tribulations of his recovery and rehab- he still has significant balance issues, which had us all watching closely for any signs he was going to fall off the small stage just a metre away from me!

He spoke about his upbringing in a single parent home where there were very few rules aside from 'No TV allowed' and he had to 'Write an A4 page every day' (his dad was a writer).

He spoke about his run-in with Russell Crowe and how he was saved from that issue by Molly Meldrum- who he later won a Gold Logie for playing in the movie ‘Molly’.

He also spoke about the time he rode around Australia on a unicycle to raise funds for cancer research in honour of his sister Connie.

The most important thing he spoke to us about was his sister's journey with cancer, and how, while she was still alive, they raised awareness and raised funds for cancer research.

What I didn't know was how cancer is treated in adults as a standard in Australia. Unfortunately, even though the technology is readily available, precision medicine is only given to a very small percentage of adults diagnosed with cancer.

Precision medicine, put simply, is the technology to test the cancer cells to prescribe the most effective treatment for that particular cancer, not the treatment that is statistically most likely to work in general cancer treatment. In other words - to treat the cancer, not the person.

Connie has since passed- if she had had access to precision medicine, there’s a good chance she would still be alive today. She did find a treatment that worked, however it was 9 months too late. The first 3 treatments they tried were ineffective - it was too little, too late.

While she was still alive, she rallied for so many things within the scientific and medical communities, and made a huge impact that's still going because she didn’t want any more families to lose their loved ones. She didn’t want any more young boys to lose their mums to cancer like her boys did.

In their work, Sam and the Love Your Sister charity have continued to do amazing things in Connie’s honour. In his latest drive, Sam and LYS are aiming to get 1000 businesses on board in 'Sam's 1000' to accelerate the process of making precision medicine available as a standard to all Australians no matter their location, age, income or status.

So, for those reasons (and probably a thousand more!), I have signed Thousand Reasons up to be one of Sam’s 1000, as a welterweight champion, and I need some extra revenue to be able to keep doing it for as long as possible.

Here’s how I'd like to make this happen…

I have had 'The Happy Body Collective' online program 95% ready to launch for over a year now and I’ve been procrastinating like a pro… so I thought, what better reason to just get it going than this?!

All I need is three people to get it started and I’d love to add a bunch of bonuses as a thank you to the first lot that join...

The special offer:

An online program to help you create AND MAINTAIN the healthiest, happiest version of you, in easy bite sized, implementable chunks that stick. For the super low price of $30/month (that’s about $1 a day!) for the lifetime of your membership (It will retail at $99/month), plus a special free gift to help keep you on track and accountable.

If you like feeling strong, healthy, confident and happy, and you want to keep feeling those things consistently for the rest of your life; if you would love to see Australia stop losing loved ones to cancer; if you like me or you like Samuel Johnson, click on the link below and use the coupon code ‘Sams1000’ to start on the 1st of October!

The Happy Body Collective

We're an online group program for women who want to master their health and happiness so that they can inspire those around them to do the same.

Let me guess...

  • Health is actually really important to you.

  • You love the feeling of being fit and strong so you don't have to rely on everyone else to get stuff done.

  • You believe that having good health means that your partner, career, family and the world get the best of you, instead of what's left of you

  • When you have the motivation, you really love how you feel after a good workout.

  • And your favourite kinds of foods are really good fresh nutritious meals... or at least they used to be!

BUT instead of waking up each day feeling healthy, happy and ready to take on the day with gusto... the reality is...

  • You don't have the time in your day to get as much exercise done as you'd like

  • You don't have the energy at the end of the day to put together the foods you know you should be eating

  • You're everyone's fixer and the go-to person when they need anything... and they ALWAYS need something!

  • You've lost the motivation to get your health back on track and even if you had the motivation... you wouldn't know where to start.

You probably know what you need to do... you've probably even done most of it before... You just need a kick in the butt to make a start AND stick to it for longer than a teenager on a new tiktok trend!

And if you have to suffer through one more celery/lemon/meal replacement/sugar-free/fat-free/joy-free/soul-sucking diet you will literally SCRRREEEEEEAAAAMMMMMM!!!

If this sounds like you... KEEP READING and get your special offer now!

(Remember coupon code 'Sams1000' at the checkout)

If you'd like to know more about Sam's 1000 CLICK HERE

Until next time!



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