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7 Ways to Feel Great in Your Own Skin

Writer's picture: Mel KenworthyMel Kenworthy

It's this time of year, as the weather gets warmer, the sun shines a bit more and flowers all bloom, that we realise we're on the upward swing to summer again. It's also this time of year that we come out of hibernation, take a few layers off and realise 'Oh, dear! Summer's coming!'

It's this time of year that, in the fitness industry, we shout out 'Now's the time to get your bikini body back!', 'Lose your Winter belly fat!', or 'Lose weight now to get your body Summer-ready!'. But I don't like that about the fitness industry. I think there's much more to life than losing your Winter-weight, and I think there's much more to your body than how much fat you have, or don't have.

I like to think that you can feel great in your own skin with any body, and in any season, but a lot of people tend to think that if you're overweight or unhealthy, that you can't love your body, or that if you love your body, you have no desire to be any healthier or fitter than you are right now. But I think you can love (or learn to love) your body AND work towards being fitter, healthier and happier AT THE SAME TIME!

Spring is a great time to get into some new (or old) healthy habits, but why not love yourself at the same time?! Below are seven ways to feel great about your body, focusing on improving your health + happiness instead of just losing weight.


What you eat impacts every function in the body, including your muscles, brain and hormones, so choose your foods wisely. You don't need to eat perfectly, but aim to eat a variety of nutritious foods daily, to provide your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to thrive. Remember that no diet is one-size-fits-all. You'll need to work out what works for you, and implementing the help of a qualified nutritionist might help. A simple way to start is by adding some extra fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, seeds, herbs and spices to your current dishes to add nutrients to your day without 'dieting'.


We all know we need to move, but how often do we stop and think 'what kind of movement do I need today?' Finding a variety of exercises that accommodate your state can help you take advantage of your energy levels rather than work against them. A gym workout isn't the only thing that counts as exercise. Some other ways to move include walking, hiking, rock climbing, swimming, kayaking, cycling, dancing, yoga, stretching, tai chi, and team sports. It's ok to not like all forms of exercise! Find what you love and do that, and mix it up according to your energy levels, and what you really feel like doing!


Fashion isn't just for models and impressing people. Your style is one of the many ways to show the world who you are. Knowing a few key points on how to dress for your shape and your personality are a great confidence boost. The important thing is that you feel great in what you're wearing, no matter what it is.


For some of us, giving is much easier than getting, especially when it comes to giving a compliment or making a generous offer to help someone. There's an art to receiving and giving, and being comfortable in your yes and no, frees you up to do what's most important to you. When you understand where your boundaries are, you're far less likely to feel drained by what time and resources you give to others. Also, knowing how to ask for what you want is important, so that you're not left scrambling to take what you need when you can, or miss out completely.


Gratitude is one of the most widespread defining factors of happiness. There is always good and bad in the world, and in yourself. What we focus on is what we see. When you are grateful for the things you have, and the things that make you great, you'll see that there are plenty of them. Take the time to acknowledge and be thankful for what you have in your life regularly, and you'll notice more of them as time goes on!


More often than not, if we give ourselves the space to think, we usually know what we want and need. Learn to trust the inner voice that always has your back, and practice doing what's right for you. Sometimes we get stuck in a pattern of doing what we think we 'should', but when we check in with ourselves, we might find that those things aren't truly important to us. You may need to practice connecting with that positive inner voice, by taking a moment to reflect before making a decision that affects you. What is your gut telling you? What would happen if it were right?


Surrounding yourself with people that support your version of health + happiness dramatically improves your chances of reaching your health + happiness goals. If you'd like to learn more about how to do these things, you can join one of our spring programs starting in September. Join either Bootcamp in Darlington, or Small-group PT at Club Sierra, and benefit from all of the above in 8-weeks of training, workshops on each of those topics, plus a whole lot of extras!

Find out more and register here:

You can also register for the workshops individually without doing the program. Keep your eye on or Facebook and Instagram pages for dates and tickets or check our events page!


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